Vicente Pacheco receives the Alex MacDonald award

Vicente Pacheco receives the Alex MacDonald award

Vicente Pacheco, R&D&I Electrical and Automatisms Department Head has been awarded the prestigious Alex MacDonlad award by the University of Northampton and LECS (UK).

The dissertation proudly defended by Vicente Pacheco was recognised by the annual review board as the most outstanding dissertation based on quality and innovation presented by students from the MSc Lift Engineering degree lead by the University of Northampton.

During the month of July 2020 the University of Northampton and the specialised Lift Consultancy, LECS (UK) advised Vicente Pacheco De las Cuevas, R&D&I Electrical and Automatisms Department Head, of the decision for which his dissertation “Improving the energy efficiency by applying machine learning concepts to the selection of the journey profile and the sequence for attending the calls” has been granted the prestigious Alex MacDonald award. Both parties annually promote the inaugural award with the aim of encouraging Lift Engineering MSc students to push development and investigation boundaries.

The decision reflects the innovative effort of the thesis which was later defended by Vicente Pacheco in front of the reviewing board after a year of dedication to develop it. The Alex MacDonald award represents the highest level of recognition for the innovative skill set of Vicente Pacheco, graduated student of this prestigious title which is read over three years.

The awarded project proposes the reduction of energy consumption of a lift by granting the controller the capability of selecting the most adequate speed profile for each journey, whilst at the same time being able to prioritise which calls need to handled. To achieve this feature the controller uses building population trends as well as building traffic trends. With this in mind, the lift controller is granted “Machine Learning” capabilities, a branch of Artificial Intelligence required for making decisions.

As a result of this development, the lift controller is capable of learning of its own accord, the habits of people living or working on a daily basis in a building, something which is completely innovative in the control of vertical transportation. Each building is different as well as its users, the lift, once placed into service will begin to learn building user movement trends in a reasonable time period. It will learn trends based on the time of the day as well as which day of the week whilst also intending to adapt to potential changes in these movement trends.

On the other hand, the lift will periodically monitor it´s energy consumption and in the case of detecting a change to any variable, it will adjust its speed profile in order to ensure that it´s energy impact is kept to a minimum.

The Alex MacDonald award represents the highest level of recognition for the innovative skill set of Vicente Pacheco, graduated student of the prestigious MSc Lift Engineering title which is read over three years. He is a dedicated professional with extensive proven experience in the domain of innovation and development of electronics and automatisms for lifts.